Friday, August 29, 2014

Project Week 1: Reference Images

After many nights of slaving over computer screens, trying to discover the intricacies of the human body and the Easter Island head, I came up with these (rather horrible) reference images:

There is a reason why I am in Animation instead of Drawing.

As you can see, they aren't the greatest. Their purpose is to give me a decent foundation to build the beginning of the character, which they will try their hardest to do. Once I get the foundation down, I can modify it free-form to make it look good.

I have more information pertaining to my character: he is an alien scout that landed on Easter Island and began to take the shape of the denizens he saw: the heads of the Moai statues and the bodies of rich corporate executives on vacation. He isn't actually wearing a suit, it's his skin. He has a larger upper section than lower section, relatively stubby legs, and hands with only 3 fingers. Why does he only have 3 fingers? Because hands are REALLY hard to draw.

I will post more next Friday, after I hopefully have his model finished.

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